Buy your TD5 Engine Parts in One Place
If you're looking for specific TD5 parts to rebuild your engine, then look no further: from AMC cylinder heads to Kolben Schmidt oem pistons, We provide you with a wide range of genuine quality Defender and Discovery TD5 parts. You can easily create your own kit to rebuild your engine just be selecting the spares you need. We also stock a good selection of the ancillary parts you may wish to replace at the same time for example turbo unit, water pump etc
All TD5 engine parts in this section are either Land Rover, OEM or quality replacement parts as used in our own production.
You can shop with confidence at Turner Engineering. We've been re-manufacturing Land Rover engines for over 40 years now. If you're looking for a specific part to rebuild your TD5 engine, please contact us. If you're looking for other parts such as Ford 2.2 engine spares, or 3.6 TDV6 parts you can also find these online. And have a look at our range of Land Rover Consumables to maintain your engine's life.
179 Products